Quality workmanship
Price list.
Here are our current prices for services and selected parts and fitting.
These prices are a rough guide, as every job has unique requirements.

Prices include Supply and Fitting
Wind directional cowl ................... from $1150
Rainhats .................................................... from $395
Terrcotta Chimney Pots ................... from $950
Chimney Capping Plate .................. from $1250
Rain Covers, Chimney Pots & Cowls
Call out Fee .................................................... $195
Chimney Camera Inspection ................ from $295
Inspection Report........................................ from $250
Consulting........................................................ from $265
Pest Wire Fitting .......................................... from $85
Prices vary according to site and access
(single/double/triple storey).
Slow Combustion Heater Chimney Cleaning
Service and Inspection ......................... from $295
Open Fireplace Chimney Cleaning
Service and Inspection ......................... from $395
Jetmaster Open Fireplace Chimney Cleaning
Service and Inspection .......................... from $395